
Download Free Personal FireWall

Jika anda terhubung ke Internet dengan cara apapun, Anda harus menjalankan perangkat lunak firewall. Setelah terinstal, Anda akan takjub melihat betapa banyak serangan memukul mesin Anda mencari server mail, server dan file berita saham. Hampir setiap hari saya mendapatkan komputer diserang oleh seseorang mencari trojan seperti Back Orifice atau untuk server mail sederhana.

Beruntung bagi kita, ada program untuk menjaga hacker di teluk. Bahkan lebih baik, ada program firewall gratis yang tersedia di internet untuk men-download.

Catatan: firewall gratis ini tersedia untuk penggunaan pribadi. Firewall gratis ini juga dapat lisensi untuk penggunaan komersial.

from ZoneLabs
OS: 95/98/ME/NT/2000
  • Login Authentication
  • Trusted Applications
  • MD5 Signature Support
  • Customizable Security Levels
ZoneAlarm / ZoneAlarm Pro

Kerio Personal Firewall (KPF) is a software agent that builds a barrier between your personal computer and the Internet. KPF is designed to protect your PC against attacks from both the Internet, and other computers in the local network.

Desktop Firewall
from Tiny Software
OS: 95/98/ME/NT/2000
  • Personal Firewall
  • Login Authentication
  • Trusted Applications
  • MD5 Signature Support
  • Multi-layer security protection (NDIS & TDI)
  • Remote access to logs and statistics
  • Suspicious activity monitoring and Intrusion detection
  • Stateful filtering based on SRC/DST IP address, port & application
  • Remote Administration
Tiny Software Web

Outpost Firewall from Agnitum (new)
Agnitum Outpost is the first personal firewall for Windows developed with Open Architecture. The Open Development Process proved its efficiency with the development of the Internet and with Linux. No company can be as fast, flexible and innovative at enhancing a closed product as thousands of developers from different countries all working on an open one. Free for now. Note: The current release is a “Release Candidate 1”.

Sygate Personal Firewall 4.2
from Sygate
OS: 95/98/ME/NT/2000
  • Windows XP Support
  • Customizable Advanced Firewall Rules
  • Ability to Configure Global Settings such as trusted IP addresses
  • User-friendly Rule Viewer & Rule Editor
  • Message Console to display security alerts and system information
  • Unique Dynamic Help System assists users with rule creation
  • Enhanced ability to capture and log packets per rule
  • Ability to control incoming and outgoing ICMP packets by type
  • ICS Support for Ethernet connections with Windows 98 SE
Sygate Web

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