Ini adalah tutorial untuk membantu Anda memahami ultrasonik, buzzer dan mempelajari lebih dalam Arduino. Skema ini dibangun untuk mendeteksi gerakan rintangan dan menimbulkan peringatan dengan sensor Ultrasonik.
Alat :
1. Test Board
2. Ultrasonic sensor
3. Arduino cable
4. +5V buzzer
5. Male to male pins
6. Arduino uno board
Hubungkan Sirkuit :
Hubungkan terminal positif Buzzer ke pin Arduino 2 dan terminal negatif ke Gnd.
Hubungkan pin VCC ultrasonik ke pin +5v dan Gnd ke ground.
Hubungkan pin trigonometri ke pin 10 dan pin echo ke pin 9.
Gambar koneksi dibawah ini.
Koding Arduino :
// Define pins for ultrasonic and buzzer
int const trigPin = 10;
int const echoPin = 9;
int const buzzPin = 2;
void setup()
pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT); // trig pin will have pulses output
pinMode(echoPin, INPUT); // echo pin should be input to get pulse width
pinMode(buzzPin, OUTPUT); // buzz pin is output to control buzzering
void loop()
// Duration will be the input pulse width and distance will be the distance to the obstacle in centimeters
int duration, distance;
// Output pulse with 1ms width on trigPin
digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
// Measure the pulse input in echo pin
duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
// Distance is half the duration devided by 29.1 (from datasheet)
distance = (duration/2) / 29.1;
// if distance less than 0.5 meter and more than 0 (0 or less means over range)
if (distance <= 50 && distance >= 0) {
// Buzz
digitalWrite(buzzPin, HIGH);
} else {
// Don’t buzz
digitalWrite(buzzPin, LOW);
// Waiting 60 ms won’t hurt any one
/* This code by */
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